Buteyko Breathing: The Number 1 Key to Your Quality Wellbeing.

Breathing: The Key to your Wellbeing

Buteyko Breathing or Breathwork is experiencing a worldwide explosion in popularity.  This is unsurprising when optimising breathing patterns potentiates mental clarity and physical performance. The science underpinning these claims is irrefutable.

The three core aspects of breathing involve chemistry, anatomy, and rhythm.

The Chemistry of the Breath

The biochemistry of breathing revolves around two main gases, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Oxygen is clearly king, required for life as we know it. However, carbon dioxide, often dismissed as waste gas, is the game changer when it comes to breathing.  It is an increased level of carbon dioxide, well before low levels of oxygen are detected, that drives our need to breathe. 

In the mid-20th Century, Ukrainian doctor, Konstantin Buteyko, concluded that chronic hyperventilation (over-breathing) was the issue behind many health problems. This concept of over-breathing echoed the findings of American Civil War doctor, Dr. Jacob Da Costa, who diagnosed ailing veterans with ‘Soldier’s Heart’ or ‘Effort Syndrome’ before finding the underlying cause was also chronic hyperventilation. Overbreathing creates an imbalance of blood gases, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. The great news is that simple: breathing retraining restores the balance of these blood gases.

The Body and the Breath

Our anatomy, specifically the structure, function, and placement of various parts of our anatomy, is intrinsic to better breathing.  

The Nose. Nasal breathing is vital for good breathing.  Nasal breathing increases oxygen delivery by more than 10%. Nasal breathing helps filter dust, pollens, bacteria, and viruses before reaching the lungs. 

The Tongue. Tongue posture, or where the tongue lies in the mouth is vital for good breathing.  Correct tongue posture is resting on the upper palate at the ‘spot’. 

The Diaphragm. This muscle that separates the thorax from the abdomen is also vital for good breathing.  Diaphragmatic breathing activates the vagal nerve, helping to balance the nervous system.  

Breathing retraining applies these principles.  

Breathe to the Rhythm

Our biology is governed by rhythms or cycles, including the circadian cycle, the menstrual cycle, and the sleep cycle.  Breathing also follows a rhythm.  The rate of our breathing (respiration rate)  has a powerful impact on the body as a whole, influencing heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormones, and is a key indicator of overall health.  

Breathing retraining helps restore breathing rhythm.

How to become a
breathwork coach?

Breathwork is experiencing a worldwide explosion in popularity.  (Do you have any stats on this to back up this fact?)
This is your opportunity to be at the forefront of this fast-emerging field of natural medicine. 

  • Help people reach their potential, mentally and physically. 
  • Empower clients to manage myriad of  health conditions. 
  • Work for yourself in a highly rewarding career.

You will be equipped with the theory and practice 

Scientific breathwork to optimise health, mental clarity and performance

Course participants will receive an internationally acknowledged Certificate from Buteyko Professionals International, coupled with continued professional support.

WHAT: Buteyko Practitioner Training 

WHO:  Patrick McKeown, author of Oxygen Advantage and international breathwork expert.

WHERE: Sydney Australia.  Adina Darling Harbour.
WHEN: July 3-6th, 2022

INVESTMENT:  $1950 in person,  $975 via zoom 

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