Hail the Humble Goog

Eggs are an excellent source of protein

Eggs are an exceptional food. However, when I recommend them to patients, I am often asked, “Don’t they increase cholesterol?” “How many eggs is safe to eat in a week?”


Back in the day, eggs were demonised as the culprits causing heart disease, increasing cholesterol, and all manner of dastardly deeds. Yes, eggs DO contain cholesterol (as many animal foods do). No, they don’t increase your blood cholesterol. In fact, studies suggest eating eggs will improve the ratio of good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol. 

The Goods on Eggs

Why do I recommend eggs to my patients? They are one of the most nutrient-dense foods available.  And good ‘bang for buck’ ie excellent value.

1. They are the best protein source per gram

2. Are low in kJ

3. Low in fat

4. Low in carbs


5. Vitamin D (not many foods do D) for bone growth and immune health

6. Choline – for nerves and cognition

7. Lutein and Zeaxanthin – good for eyes and reduce the risk of macular degeneration

8. Riboflavin – B2 – energy production and conversion of other B vitamins

9. Selenium – antioxidant, thyroid health

10. Vitamin A – health of epithelial surfaces eg gut cells, thyroid, immune system

11. Vitamin B12 – energy, nerves, cell replication

Go the Goog

Don’t hold back. Eggs make a fantastic filling and nutritious breakfast. Boiled, shakshuka, scrambled, poached, omelette, or in a smoothie. A snack of a slice of frittata, or a boiled egg with some baby tomatoes and cucumbers…… Up to 3 eggs a day! Really.

Egg Proviso

While extolling the virtues of eggs, I am aware many chickens are not treated well. For this reason, I implore you to buy eggs (and chicken meat) from providers who give these fabulous creatures a decent life. Choose organic from accredited providers or buy from farmers’ markets. I am lucky enough to have 5 girls of my own.