
Tell me about it, girlfriend. Sprain an ankle, and you will be dripping in sympathy. But, when you’re writhing around the office with a bad case of thrush, the most they will offer is a smirk.


Thrush is an infection caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans, a yeast which normally inhabits the intestines and vagina. The most common symptoms of thrush are a vaginal itch and/or discharge that ranges in colour from white to creamy yellow, it doesn’t often smell. It’s always best to get any odd symptom checked by your doctor.


Thrush can occur after antibiotics, with stress or when you are run down. It commonly appears pre-menstrually when the pH of the vagina is slightly higher.The secret to beating this nasty happening for good, is to be super strict with your diet for a couple of months. Avoid sugar, beer and wine. Also cut down on yeasted breads, yellow, blue and creamy cheeses, grapes, melons, mushrooms and vegemite (yes, that does include promite and marmite). 


These foods aid and abet Candida.Eat a little bit of acidophilus yoghurt daily, and develop a taste for miso soup. Both of these foods contain friendly bugs that dislike candida.In addition, take an acidophilus supplement before breakfast each morning, and a fungal-beating garlic tablet after dinner each night.For quick relief try this douche. To 2/3 cup of warm water add: 1/2 teaspoon of acidophilus powder, or the contents of two acidophilus capsules; 2-3 drops tea tree oil (a good antifungal, but optional if you are sensitive); 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (to improve the pH balance of the vagina).Douche with this mixture once or twice daily for four days. 


Even if the symptoms disappear after a day or two, keep up the treatment for the four days. If you don’t own the proper equipment, a plastic tomato sauce bottle will do. If you don’t fancy a douche, then try tea tree pessaries. Keep them in the fridge, and insert one each night or submerge a tampon in acidophilus yoghurt (plain, not flavoured). Insert into the vagina and leave for 2 hours.Other tips; avoid tampons if you are thrush prone. Also, avoid soap. 


Wash with plain water, or tea tree oil in sorbolene. Steer clear of tight jeans and claustrophobic underwear and ban lycra leotards. Those G-strings have got to go. Stick to daggy cotton pants and shorts for exercise. As candida spreads very easily from the anus to the vagina, make sure that you wipe from the front to the back after going to the toilet. Wash all your towels and underwear in hot water, soak and disinfect in nappy-wash before washing. Throw 10 drops of tea tree oil into the final rinse.


If you stick to the diet, and take a few of the hints above, chances are you’ll be thrush free forever.




Thrush is one of those conditions you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. Well, maybe just one little attack that lasts three years. Thrush is a common infection caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans, a yeast which normally inhabits the intestines and vagina. For women, the most common symptoms of thrush are a vaginal itch and discharge that ranges from white to creamy yellow. Men can get thrush too, the penis may become irritated and red, especially after sex.


Commonly, thrush occurs after a course of antibiotics. Eating large amounts of sugar (eg 6 killer pythons or 24 jelly babies) can trigger an attack, so too can a heavy night on the booze. In addition, many women experience thrush prior to menstruation when there is a change in vaginal pH.


What to do


Antifungal creams are helpful and available from chemists, but I find the old-fashioned douche works really well. In the old days women had douche bags tucked away at the back of the bathroom cupboard. The millenium version of the douche bag is a squeezable plastic tomato sauce bottle, sans sauce. Sounds a little kinky, but it is inexpensive and it works. Once mastered, the douche routine is simple. For four consecutive days, before you shower (night or morning) lie down in the bathtub, lifting your hips a little. Insert the nozzle of the douche bottle into the vagina and squeeze. You only need to stay in this uncomfortable position for a few seconds. Shower or bathe as usual.


Douche recipe: To 2/3 cup of warm water add: 1 teaspoon of acidophilus powder (to replace good microflora); 3-5 drops tea tree oil (a good antifungal, but optional if you are sensitive); 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (to improve the pH balance of the vagina).


Thrush is easily transferred to and from sexual partners. James Green, a rather wonderful American herbalist, suggests that men perform a penis soak. Using the same recipe to the womens douche recipe, the male soaks his member in a glass (tall, medium or short – your call!) and hang in there for about 5 -10 minutes.


In addition to the douche, reduce your sugar and alcohol intake. Take 1 teaspoon of acidophilus powder (orally) each morning and for a while avoid washing with soap, using tampons and wearing G-strings – stick to cottontails. Thrush is a very common condition, but can be easily treated.