Three food tips to keep in mind at Easter

1. For a chocolate treat without the guilt

In a bowl, combine two teaspoons best quality cocoa powder, one teaspoon maple syrup, two teaspoons dessicated coconut. Stir in half a cup of plain
Greek yoghurt. Tangy. Delicious AND good for you.

2. Instead of chocolate bunnies and eggs, why not go Greek?

Traditional Easter fare is to boil fresh eggs in water with onion skins, or a non-toxic red dye. A bowl of these red jewels look amazing. In traditional
Greek and Orthodox households, the eggs are used in a game: playing in pairs, each child takes turns bopping their egg on their partner’s egg.
The last to crack the shell is the winner…and the eggs are eaten. Often it’s ‘winner takes all’, but the eggs are redistributed equally

3. Practice mindfulness

Whatever your spiritual beliefs, take some time over Easter to practice mindfulness with regard to eating, bringing awareness and appreciation to each
mouthful and meal.

One of the pleasures of Easter is celebrating together, so if someone in the family is allergic to egg, dairy or chocolate, make sure there’s a dark
chocolate, egg-free or gluten-free option for them to enjoy as well.

And, finally…

If you are planning on going to the Royal Easter Show, see the working dogs for me and take a bottle of Rescue Remedy just in case you:

a) lose a child in the show bag pavilion; b) realise too late you have got on the Wild Cat 2 instead of the ferris wheel; c) can’t find your car in
the carpark.

Why not take some nuts or healthy snack from home so you can more easily resist the allure of blue fairy floss, pluto pups and other show ‘delicacies’?