Low Starch Eating Plan
Maintaining or losing weight is a concern for many people. Quick fix diets don’t work. Studies have found that over 95% of dieters who lose weight, will regain the lost kilograms
Buteyko Breathing Technique
While researching heart disease in the 1950s, Konstantin Buteyko, a Russian doctor, developed the Buteyko breathing technique that not only helped reduce high blood pressure but
Dysfunctional Breathing and learning to Breathe Optimally
Recently had the pleasure of chatting to Andrew at the Designs for Health podcast discussing Dysfunctional Breathing. Join us as we walk through how to assess patients for dysfunct
Plan B – Dealing with Covid
My! How quickly things change! Only a few months ago, in Australia, it was the unlucky fewwho fell victim to the virus, now it seems catching Covid is common as muck. If avoiding C
A herbal dispensary without echinacea is like a pub with no beer. The herb with the name that nobody can pronounce (for the record, it’s ‘ek-in-ay-sha’), Echinacea is native
What is naturopathy?
A history and guide to naturopathic medicine in Australia. Naturopathy endeavours to find out and treat the underlying cause of an illness, not just the symptoms. Naturopathic medi
3 Tips to Reduce Mask Anxiety
As a Naturopath and Breathing Coach, every few days during the lockdown, I receive a call, text or email from someone who finds wearing a face mask unbearable. They feel anxious
Dieting. The Agony and the Irony.
Our society is obsessed with weight and dieting. Each year, the diet industry rakes in over 100 billion dollars, and by the age of 45, the average woman has been on 61 diets.
Have you wondered about how you breathe during your day?
Mim recently had the pleasure of talking to Jacqui Fahey, Head of Education at vital.ly on the Common Ground, podcast series. Join Mim and Jacqui discussing new research and intere
Acid or Alkaline?
For decades natural health practitioners have recommended a diet that ‘alkalises’ the body. Basically the premise is that many diseases including cancer, osteoporosis, rheumato