Pimples en masse are called acne or officially acne vulgaris. Vulgar(is) meaning common rather than vulgar meaning uncouth. Common or uncouth, acne is better absent than present. A
Baldness (Alopecia)
A paper entitled ‘Shorn Scalps and Perceptions of Male Dominance’ revealed that bald or closely shaven men were perceived to be stronger and taller than their hairier colleague
Iron Deficiency Anaemia
Common symptoms of anaemia include fatigue, yawning, bruising easily, irritability, poor concentration, muscle weakness, dizziness, spots before the eyes, very pale complexion, hea
Anorexia Nervosa
Any eating disorder, including anorexia nervosa, is special torment for both the sufferer and those who care for them. Anyone who has not experienced this condition has difficulty
Acne Rosacea
Rosacea, from the Latin word rosaceus, meaning ‘rose coloured’, describes the main feature of rosacea: rosy red skin. Sometimes known as acne rosacea or adult acne, rosacea is
Carbon dioxide and breathing
Dr. Buteyko developed his breathing method around a theory on carbon dioxide and disease. He believed that chronic illness and disease is caused by chronic hyperventilation (breath
How to Increase Oxygen in Your Blood?
It seems counterintuitive that higher carbon dioxide levels will increase oxygenation in the body. Yet it’s true.In fact, the Danish professor of physiology Christian Bohr sussed
Nitric Oxide Benefits
Nitric Oxide improves the immune response as well as increases blood and oxygen flow throughout the body, including the brain. Nitric Oxide (NO) is a naturally produced gas that me
What is Belly Breathing?
What is diaphragmatic breathing? If the muscles of your shoulders and neck feel perpetually tight and knotted, the chances are that you are not using your diaphragm to breathe. Dia